
Bringing Temp Workers Into Your Business: Dos and Don’ts

For some organizations, temporary workers are business-as-usual. For others, an infusion of temps is a new experience and can be unsettling. Here’s how to help everyone adjust quickly and productively. Do: Communicate Inform your team early and explain the measurable benefits to them. Whether you’re hiring temps to help with a new project or to cover vacations and personal leaves, knowing why helps everyone get on board. Don’t: Disregard worries If people seem anxious or threatened by temp workers coming in, take…

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The True Cost of Bad Hires

As the economy improves, it’s getting harder to attract and retain talent. When unemployment is low and candidates are scarce, organizations may make costly hiring mistakes to cope the urgent issue of empty seats. How expensive are the costs of bad hires? Let’s take a look. According to this article in Forbes, the price of a bad hire can vary, but it’s almost never cheap. Some examples: Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh said that bad hires have cost his company “well over…

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When There Are Gaps in a Candidate’s Resume

In recruiting, it’s common to encounter gaps in resumes. Most gaps are either time or skills gaps. A skills gap is the unexpected absence of a skill or aptitude in a resume. For example, an experienced web developer who doesn’t list HTML or coding as a skill. Sometimes this is an oversight, sometimes the candidate has left it off the resume because the skill is assumed, and sometimes it means there’s an actual lack of experience. A time gap happens when…

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Other Management Registry Inc. companies:
Management Registry Inc.
Malone Solutions

Update on Form 1095.

Employees may request their 2024 form 1095 by emailing [email protected] or submitting a written request via mail to Human Resources, 1868 Campus Place, Louisville, KY 40299.


(866) 805-8600


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3607 Grand Ave.
Gurnee, IL 60031

(847) 336-1166